Frequently Asked Questions

Where is BLT Self Storage?
BLT Self Storage is located at 16710 McLean Road in Pearland, TX 77584.
When can I stop by the office?
The office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 4:00 pm and on Saturdays by appointment.
What are the access hours?
7 days a week between 5:00 am and 11:00 pm.
Do you offer climate controlled units?
Yes we do. These units protect your items from intense temperature and humidity levels.
Is the facility safe and secure?
Our facility is under 24 hour video surveillance and fully fenced with gated access.
What documentation do I need to rent a unit?
We need a valid form of ID such as a driver’s license, passport or military ID. Also have a debit or credit card available when renting online.